Project Shaw

Coined “New York’s monthly guide to reason,” Project Shaw presents monthly readings of plays by George Bernard Shaw as well as plays that either influenced or were influenced by Shaw, or that share Shaw’s advocacy of human rights and the freedom of speech.

These unique Script-In-Hand performances are presented as fund-raising opportunities for GTG’s annual full Off-Broadway productions!

Project Shaw 2024

Welcome to Gingold Theatrical Group’s 19th year of these remarkable presentations.

Each play is performed by an all-star cast composed of many of New York’s finest actors and is presented in a concert-reading format at the arts-hub of New York’s Upper West Side, Symphony Space, which is fully ADA compliant.

In 2009, Project Shaw made GTG the first group ever to present performances of every one of Shaw’s plays, as well as every sketch, full-length, and one-act play he ever wrote – and all to sold-out houses!  More than 60 of Shaw’s plays — many never before seen in New York or anywhere in the United States — have delighted our audiences.

Tickets are currently on sale for all four of our 2024 events!

These are all unique script-in-hand performances.

Ty Jones, Sharon Washington, André de Shields in ‘The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet’

“Gingold Theatrical Group provides an invaluable — and unique — service to New Yorkers. Not only does it keep topnotch productions of great works of art before the public on a regular basis as no other theater company can, but it also does something less obvious. It keeps the tradition of intelligent argument, embodied in Shaw’s plays but otherwise much lacking from public discourse, alive for those who need it most: the thinking people of a great city.” Jesse Green, New York Times

“David Staller has woven Project Shaw into the fabric of New York life.   Not only does the series keep Shaw’s brilliant voice in play, boxing   our ears with monthly punches of wit; it also gives the city’s best   actors a chance to dig into roles of substance, and local audiences a   chance to see them (for the price of a movie and popcorn). And by   including critics and members of the press in each reading, Staller   creates an oasis of collegiality, respect and even community among   theater people too often cast as adversaries. To all of this, one can   only say: bravo.” Adam Feldman, Time Out New York

“Whenever I am in the presence of great art, the two most vivid  emotions evoked are humility–and gratitude. That is certainly the case  with Project Shaw (with an added dose of humility on those occasions  when I have actually participated in an event.) Like so many others, I  am deeply thankful to David Staller for what he manages to achieve  through dint of hard work and unflagging commitment. Project Shaw is  especially to be commended for bringing to life with peerless artistry  the timeless work of one of the West’s greatest minds and, perhaps most  importantly, at “socialist” prices!”  Patrick Pacheco NY1 & The Los Angeles Times

“Project Shaw is more than a valuable academic and historical endeavor, pulling back the curtain to reveal the breadth, scope and variety of the works by an acknowledged master of modern drama. What sounds like a dry and dusty endeavor turns out to be, in practice, a series of welcoming, lively events that embrace all of the theater community, partnering a stellar group of actors with an enthusiastic audience to explore these works with insight, skill and humor.” Godon Cox, Variety

March 18 Mrs Warren’s Profession
April 29 I’ll Leave It To You
May 20 Heartbreak House
June 24 The Portrait Of Mr. W.H.


April 10 Misalliance
June 19 Man and Superman

July 24ygmalion


Mar 14 John Bull’s Other island

April 18 Shakes vs Shav


Dec 13 Village Wooing


Jan 20 Major Barbara

Feb 24 What Every Woman Knows


ART AS ACTIVISM: A Theatrical Survival Guide

Jan 14 Misalliance

Feb 11 Shaw Songs at The Players/VD

March 16 St. Pat’s Gala!

April 15 On Approval by Frederick Lonsdale

May 20 Man and Superman

June 24 The Philanderer

July 22 The Stepmother by Githa Sowerby

Sept 23 symposium

Oct 28 Arms and the Man

Nov 18 The Play’s the Thing by Molnar (Wodehouse)

Dec 16 I’ll Leave It To You by Coward


Jan 22  The Devil’s Disciple

Feb 19 Pygmalion

March 17 GALA 3West Club

April 30 concert at Players

May 21 The Doctor’s Dilemma

June 18  Buoyant Billions

July 23 Chicago (Maurine Watkins)

Sept 24 The New Word (Barrie) / O’Flaherty, V.C. (Shaw)

Oct 22 Back to Methuselah

Nov 19 Back to Methuselah

Dec 17 The Enchanted Cottage (Pinero


JAN 16  • Mrs Warren’s Profession

FEB 13 • Candida

APRIL 17 • You Never Can Tell

MAY 22 • Press Cuttings

JUNE 26 • Getting Married

JULY 24 • Super Shaw Women

SEPT 18 • A Man’s World

OCT 23 • Captain Brassbound’s

NOV 20 • Votes for Women

DEC 18 • Woman of No Importance


Jan 11–In Good King Charles’s Golden Days

Feb 15 –The Man of Destiny

April 25–  The Fascinating Foundling

May 23–Caesar and Cleopatra

June 20 –Geneva

July 25–The Apple Cart

Sept 19–Farewell to the Theatre (Barker)

Oct 24– On The Rocks

Nov 21–Alice Sit By The Fire (Barrie)

Dece 19 –Androcles and the Lion


Jan 19 •  How He Lied To Her Husband

Feb 23 •  Widowers’ Houses

April 6 •  Misalliance

May 18  •  Overruled  

June 22  •  Fanny’s First Play

July 20  •  Man and Superman

Sept 21 •  Chekhov Comedy Event

Oct 19 •  The Doctor’s Dilemma

Nov 23  •  John Bull’s Other Island

Dec 21 •  The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet


Jan 27 – Arms and the Man

Feb 24 – The Philanderer

Mar 17 – GTG GALA

Apr 14 – Oscar Wilde evening

May 12- Heartbreak House

June 23 – Getting Married

July 28 – Super Shaw

Sep 29 – Village Wooing

Oct 27 – Ibsen evening

Nov 24 – The Millionairess



Jan 19 How He Lied

Feb 23 Widowers’ Houses

April 6 Misalliance

May 18 Overruled

June 22 Fanny’s First Play

July 20 M&S

Aept 21 Chekhov

Oct 19 Doctor’s Dilemma

Nov 23 John Bull

Dec 21 Blanco


January 23  Back to Methuselah PART ONE

February 27 Back to Methuselah PART TWO

March 17 — GALA

April 23 Widowers’ Houses

May 21 In Good King Charles’s Golden Days

June 18 The Apple Cart

July 16  Geneva

September 24 The Devil’s Disciple

October 22 Buoyant Billions

November 19 Pygmalion

December 17 Saint Joan


January 24 • Androcles and the Lion

February 14 • Overruled

March 28 • Great Catherine

April 25 • Shaw & Shakespeare

May 23 • You Never Can Tell

June 20 • Getting Married

July 18 • Fanny’s First Play

September 26 • The Millionairess

October 17 • Super Shaw! an irreverent evening

November 21 • Passion, Poison & Petrifaction

December 19 • Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet


Arms and the Man
The Philanderer
The Doctor’s Dilemma
John Bull’s Other Island
Major Barbara
Village Wooing &
Interlude At The Playhouse
Man and Superman
Captain Brassbound’s Conversion
How He Lied To Her Husband
& The Fascinating Founding
Heartbreak House


1/09: Dark Lady of the Sonnets & Shakes Versus Shav

& Cymbeline Refinished

2/09: Buoyant Billions

3/09: O’Flaherty V.C.

4/09: Inca of Perusalem

5/09: Glimpse of Reality & Man of Destiny

6/09: Six of Calais & Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles

7/09: Mrs. Warren’s Profession

9/09: Back to Methuselah ONE

10/09: Back to Methuselah TWO

11/09: On The Rocks

12/09: Why She Would Not / The Gadfly


1/08: Geneva

2/08: Too True to be Good

3/08: In Good King Charles Golden Days

4/08: Farfetched Fables

5/08: The Devil’s Disciple

6/08: Great Catherine & Annajanska

7/08: Major Barbara

9/08: Caesar and Cleopatra

10/08: The Sewing-up of Blanco Posnet

11/08: Jitta’s Attonement

12/08: Saint Joan


1/07: Candida

2/07: The Music Cure & Interlude at the Playhouse

& The King, Constitution and Lady

3/07: Doctor’s Dilemma

4/07: Androcles and the Lion

5/07: Admirable Bashville

6/07: Village Wooing & How He Lied to Her Husband

7/07: The Millionairess

9/07: Man and Superman

10/07: Press Cuttings & Passion, Poison and Petrifaction

11/07: Widowers Houses

12/07: Pygmalion


1/06: Arms and the Man

2/06: Fanny’s First Play

3/06: Heartbreak House

4/06: You Never Can Tell

5/06: Overruled & Augustus Does His Bit

6/06: Getting Married

7/06: John Bull’s Other Island

9/06: The Apple Cart

10/06: Misalliance

11/06: Captain Brassbound’s Conversion

12/06: The Philanderer

Project Shaw is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council

As long as more people will pay admission to a theater to see a naked body than to see a naked brain, the drama will languish — GBS