On The Rocks
October 24, 2016
A heart-warming cocktail about money, greed, politics and sex. This viciously witty comedy tackles, head-first, the unthinkable concept of a country in the midst of an economic depression. Unemployment, health care, human rights…you name it. It’s a riotous cast of character, assembled as only possible in the always-surprising imagination of G.B.S.
Written by Bernard Shaw in 1933.
Scene: The Cabinet Room at No. 10 Downing Street, London, S.W.1.
Act I: July.
Act II: November 10, 9:30am
Time: The Present, 1933.
Sir Arthur Chavender, the Prime Minister … Mr. Jeff McCarthy
Hilda Hanways, the PM’s secretary … Ms. Talene Monahon
Sir Broadfoot Basham, The Chief Commissioner of Police … Mr. Alan Cox
Miss Flavia Chavender, daughter of Sir Arthur … Ms. Kristin Parker
Lady Chavender, wife of Sir Arthur … Ms. Cady Huffman
David Chavender, son of Sir Arthur … Mr. Michael Doonan
Mayor Tom Humphries … Mr. Robert Zukerman
Aloysia Brollikins … Ms. Allison Layman
Viscount Barking … Mr. Tony Roach
Alderman Blee … Mr. Richard Ferrone
Mr. Hipney … Mr. Ed Dixon
The Lady … Ms. Margaret Loesser Robinson
Sir Dexter Rightside, Foreign secretary … Mr. Raphael Nash Thompson
Admiral Sir Bemrose Hotspot, First Lord of the Admiralty … Mr. Drew McVety
Mr. Glenmorison, Pres of Board of Trade… Mr. David Sedgwick
Sir Jafna Pandranath, The Wealthiest Man in England … Mr. James Rana
The Duke of Domesday, Aristrocrat … Mr. Jack Gilpin
Narrator … Ms. Roma Torre

The Cast of On The Rocks