January 21, 2008
It’s 1938 and the world is on the brink of World War II. An aristocratic German jew, who has fled Nazi Germany, arrives in Geneva asking for help. A pretty, young secretary, left to run the International Committee for Peace office alone, writes a letter. So begins Geneva. Eventually, Hitler, Franco, and Mussolini all converge on Geneva for a peace trial to state their case.
Written by George Bernard Shaw in 1938.
Begonia Brown — Ms. Jennifer Ferrin
The Jew — Mr. Simon Kendall
A Newcomer — Mr. Bill Kux
The Widow — Ms. Carole Shelley
A Journalist — Mr. Michael Riedel
The Bishop — Mr. Howard Kissel
Commisar Posky — Mr. George S. Irving
The Secretary — Mr. Peter Flynn
Sir Orpheus Midlander — Mr. Simon Jones
The Betrothed — Mr. Lorenzo Pisoni
The Judge — Mr. Boyd Gaines
Bombardone — Mr. Victor Slezak
Battler — Mr. John Bolton
General Flanco — Mr. John Martello
Deaconess — Ms. Charlotte Moore
Narrator — Mr. Adam Feldman
Evening hosted by Mr. Michael Feingold of The VILLAGE VOICE
Produced and directed by Mr. David Staller

The Cast of Geneva